There are Bible scriptures and practical lessons throughout, but we would not classify it as a Bible study. Pathway to Purely His is a workbook that is used in a support group setting with a purpose to go all in with Jesus and get unstuck from anything that is holding you back from being all that God has called you to be. People in the group interact and share details of their life…a lot of healing takes place using this group curriculum.
This type of group is for anyone, any age, any past problems holding them back, not sure who they are, not sure what their calling is, mad at God or church people, stagnate in their walk with the Lord or maybe they just want to be a part of community. We especially suggest that leaders go through this group because if the leadership is unhealthy, then the people they lead also become unhealthy. The goal of these groups is to go all in with Jesus and get unstuck from anything in the way of that and everyone is stuck in some way or another.
We have found that having people meet in a Purely His Group with others that have different backgrounds actually speeds the healing process…because they will learn that they aren’t that different after all and they are headed the same direction which is to go all in with Jesus.
The curriculum has twenty one lessons which is five months long if you’re meeting once a week. However, you can choose to meet as often as you like and shorten the timeline. The things discussed in this group are deep issues that take time to talk through and work through, plus it takes time for the group to bond, so taking your time is advised. We suggest meeting for two or two in a half hours each time.
Well it implies that someone is stuck…then we need to get them unstuck. It is getting someone free from something that is holding them back from being all that God has called them to be.
People have all kinds of symptoms/issues like:
- Addictions
- Bitterness
- Self-harm
- Marital problems
- Depression
- Anxiety
But these issues are not THE ISSUE—they are the symptoms of a deeper issue, an unresolved issue. Most people spend their time working on the symptoms, but we believe we should be spending that precious time healing from what caused (root) the symptom/issue.
- Abandonment
- Molestation
- Rape
- Divorce
- Abortion
- Bullying
- Abuse
- Adoption
- Unanswered Prayer
- Infidelity
- Human Trafficking
- Spiritual Abuse